Dark Waters
I used to drift in deep end of the sea and wondered how I was able to still breathe silently. My breath was shallow as I held onto an anchor which carried me further down. The more I sank through the dark waters, the harder it seemed to return to the sea’s surface. Though, I saw the light from afar. I knew it was always there and I still knew how to swim, although I became much weaker. I was a prune, cold and empty, yearning to meet the heat of the sun again. As I continued to sink, my magic breath was giving up on me and I was on the verge of drowning in the deep end. It was the final straw that allowed me to let go of the anchor and learn how to swim again. As I reached towards the sky, the shadows of the dark water whispered for me to come back. I used all of my strength to reach the surface and at last, my breath was full again. My skin was warm. I found my instrument resting happily on the sand and I learned how to play my tune again. I was able to dance, run, jump, sing, shout and sleep on solid ground. I returned to home, a beautiful kingdom filled with fresh water and food. As I slowly adjusted to my new state of being, I observed the ocean from afar. I took in the dark waters, noticing how beautiful the painting is from a distance. I can’t see the bigger picture when I am immersed within the darkness. But now, I understand how much I need the sun. I don’t want to be blind. I want to see every color this world has to offer. I want to stay free, breathing fully and grateful to be sensing again.